How to create mysql database in amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)

In this tutorial you will learn how to create mysql database in amazon Relational Database Service(RDS)


1. Sign in to the aws console through the following link

2. After login click RDS under Database section

3. Then click Launch a DB Instance

4. Then choose your database engine.

5. If you want to use RDS free tire then select the 2nd radio button named with No, this instance is intended for use outside of production or under the RDS Free Usage Tier.

6. Choose 1st option for free tire use named with db.t2.micro
db instance class drop down

7. Choose no from Multi-AZ Deployment drop down list for free tire use

8. Left storage type General Purpose

9. You can use upto 20 GB storage for free tire use

10. Then put your db instance name and password

11. Then change the options as your need

This will take few moments to be available
