Download and use InfraWorks 360 in Presenter Mode, for Free!

Presenter Mode

Anyone can download InfraWorks 360 and run the application in Presenter mode for free!

When you use Presenter Mode for InfraWorks 360, you can view any InfraWorks 360 models that are shared with your A360 account. This means that, if you are a user of InfraWorks 360, you can share your work with any stakeholder– even if they don’t have entitlements to use InfraWorks 360. Conversely, if you want to view a specific InfraWorks 360 model that someone you know has access to, you can use Presenter mode to check out any model that is shared with you.

Using Presenter mode can be an extremely simple yet rewarding way to communicate your design intents. Here’s how:

1, Download InfraWorks 360

You can download InfraWorks 360 two separate ways.


2. Sign-in with your A360 account (or create an A360 account)

Once you have installed InfraWorks 360, open the application. You will be prompted to sign-in using your A360 account credentials. If you don’t have an A360 account, signing-up is free and easy. You can register for your A360 account here:
Sign in 3. Accept invitations to join any design groups you have been invited to.

InfraWorks 360 subscribers can invite you to their design group(s) using the email address associated with your A360 account. When you have been invited to a design group…

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