This tutorials explains how to use Hummingbird’s ‘Column’ component to transfer Grasshopper geometry into a Revit column. It should be read in conjunction with the main Hummingbird tutorial which demonstrates how to use the WhiteFeet model builder in Revit. The first thing that needs to be done is to right click on the component and select the type of column to be generated. There are four options: Architectural, structural vertical, structural end points and structural by angle. Remember to ensure that the Revit family is pre-loaded into the Revit project before trying to use Hummingbird to place it.
The component then requires the following inputs:
- Write (Boolean) – Boolean button or toggle to activate the export;
- Path (Text) – This is the location the *csv file will be written to;
- File (Text) – This is the file name of the *csv file; and
- Points (Points) – Depending on the type of column to be generated (architectural, structural vertical, structural end…
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