Learn how to use the conceptual massing tools in Revit – An exclusive article by Michael Anonuevo

Conceptual massing tools in Revit are very useful but most of the Revit users did not even know how to use the toolset. The Revit users can obtain complicated forms out of the massing tools, which, when uploaded in a project, are transformed into building components.

With Revit’s conceptual massing tools, it becomes easier to visualize any design concept efficiently. Besides, various types of organic forms can also be developed easily.

Conceptual Massing Editor is used to generate massing forms outside the project environment. If the users want to create them inside the project, just select the In-Place Mass button (Massing & Site → Conceptual Mass → In-Place Mass). The procedure for developing mass in both locations is the same. Parameters (e.g., dimensions, visibility, materials, etc.) can also be allotted to mass components.

How to start a Loadable Mass Family

In order to start a mass family, the following methods should be followed:

From the Application button, New →…tls

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