Panels Optimization with Dynamo

These days I’ve been giving a Dynamo workshop to Jan, a former Grasshopper user with a big passion for optimization problems and automation.
He showed me a couple of examples were GH is used to solve panels optimization, in particular something that would produce flat panels over an organic surface.
I liked the challenge and we started to discuss possible algorithms to find a Dynamo solution to the same problem.
Firstly the subdivision of the surface only using Dynamo Out Of The Box nodes as opposed to the possibility of using LunchBox (I’d say just for academic purposes), so to have set of points to place adaptive components.
In Revit is relatively easy to get flat adaptive components out of 4 points and Zach Krone showed how to do that in his blog, what you have in return though is a set of panels that are discontinuous, in other words you have gaps along the sides of the panels and usually when I show this example I use a report parameter to measure how much the panels are deviating…

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