HoloLens is here!

I’m happy to report that a HoloLens device has arrived in the Neuchâtel office. I’m meant to be on holiday, next week, but as the kids are signed up for various fun activities of their own I foresee some amount of fooling around with HoloLens in my immediate future. 🙂


I was pleased to see a few HoloLens devices floating around at the recent Forge DevCon. In some cases it was inevitable – in that one of our speakers, Dona Sarkar, comes from the HoloLens team and also participated in the SFVR Meetup at the DevCon – but a nice surprise was that my friends at hsbcad had one on display in the exhibition area.

Kris Riemslagh from hsbCad wowing a DevCon attendee

Somewhat frustratingly, I didn’t find time to try the demo myself – the conference was just too hectic, I had too much going on – but I did reach out to Kris Riemslagh at hsbcad to understand a bit more about what they’d done. And see whether I could give it a try, now that I have access to a device.

Right now the application is still a prototype –…

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