Dynamo – Element Parameters

If you are relatively new to Dynamo and not intimately familiar with the Revit API, like me, you may find this relatively simple graph of use.

The Select Model Element node at the upper left allows you to select an element in your Revit model and will report back, through the two Watch nodes at the right, the available instance parameters and their current values. These are the parameters that work with the Element.GetParameterValueByName and Element.SetParameterValueByName nodes. This can be helpful in identifying the parameter you need to access for a particular task.

The Element.Parameters node generates a list of these parameters, the Element.Name node takes that list and turns it into a list of the parameter names, as strings, and the List.Sort node sorts that list alphbetically. The left Watch node displays this sorted list; the list is also fed into the Element.GetParameterValueByName node, which generates a list the values for those parameters, for the selected…
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