3D Printing Stainless Steel with Giant Robot Arms


YouTube star Tom Scott recently visited our Autodesk Pier 9 to meet with my colleagues Maurice Conti, Heather Kerrick, and Evan Atherton in the Applied Research Lab to discuss robots. Big robotic colleagues Bishop and Ash make cameos appearances.

At Autodesk’s Pier 9 workshop in San Francisco  there are giant robot arms using welders to 3D print with stainless steel. Which seemed like a good place to talk about programming abstractions, high-level languages, training pendants, and just how safe something like a robot arm needs to be.

Also check out Tom’s video featuring Autodesk Pier 9 Artist in Residence and fashion tech innovator Anouk Wipprecht and her spider dress.
The Spider Dress That Reacts To Personal Space Invaders

Fashion-tech designer Anouk Wipprecht has built a Spider Dress, which reacts based on how close you’re standing and how quickly you approached. It’s based on ‘proxemics’: the study of personal space… although how…

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