Hit the Road: OpenRoads Designer Announced

Last year at the Year in Infrastructure Conference, Bentley Systems announced that it was bringing a new tool into its civil engineering platforms. This tool was called OpenRoads ConceptStation.

This year, at the self-same conference, OpenRoads was again a topic of much interest—but this time, it wasn’t going to be a tool in another software platform. It was going to be its very own software offering.

The software, which has now been dubbed OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition, is a multidiscipline 3D modeling application designed to make it easier for users to design roadway projects and build them, too. This will include various aspects of the design process, including surveying, geotechnical details, drainage, subsurface utilities, terrain, road, roadway furniture and more.

OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition is intended to help users through all stages of a road project. (Image courtesy of Bentley Systems.)

OpenRoads Designer CONNECT Edition is intended to help users through all stages of a road project. (Image courtesy of Bentley Systems.)

Designing for the Real World

One of the big announcements that Bentley made at its annual conference was that rather than working just with photogrammetry, ContextCapture would be able to combine photogrammetry captures with point cloud data to increase accuracy.

Naturally, OpenRoads Designer will take advantage of this. It will be able to incorporate reality meshes, imagery, point clouds and other geocoordinated data for engineers to build their projects in a real-world context.


Software for a New Process

Because OpenRoads Designer is intended to…

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