Inside Live


At The Factory, we strive to involve customers in shaping our products in many different ways, from interviews, usability testing, Preview Release testing, the recently added Revit Ideas site and something we call Inside the Factory.

Inside the Factory Live is when, the Revit team invites customers to come to one of our locations and help us test software still in development.  These events give customers a chance to provide feedback directly to the teams working on new and exciting capabilities.  It’s extremely valuable for the teams to hear directly from customers face to face.

These events help us test workflows and find possible issues before they are shipped to everyone.  They also let us see face to face how the tools are being used and get key feedback to help drive the direction of the product.    These Inside the Factory events are just one part of how we gather feedback throughout the year, but it is probably the one our teams look forward to the most. 


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