It’s Not About A Building – RTC News

Planning to work on architecture deadlines in office or university studio during holidays? Two words: Nelson Benzing.

Nelson chain smoked, dressed in leather and was one of the most memorable and thoughtful instructors I ever had during architecture school. On the first day of my third year studio Nelson casually told everyone in his class that our design reviews would be held on Friday. Since we were all more accustomed to studio design projects being due on Monday, Nelson’s announcement caused a lot of concern and some fairly strong protest from one student.

“Why can’t we present our projects on Monday!?” my classmate asked.

“Why do you need to present your projects on Monday? Nelson replied.

The student continued in protest, “If we can present our projects on Monday, then we’ll have the weekend before to work on them so that they’ll be ready in time for review.”

Nelson was a smoker. Taking a drag from his cigarette, he held the smoke in pause before exhaling…

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