CFD for Flow Modelling In Oil & Gas Applications to Derive Reliable Predictions & Solutions

CFD Flow Modelling

For more than a decade engineers used equations to evaluate engineering solutions to given problems, the one we fondly know as “analytical modeling”. However; the challenge was that underlying equations became more complex on attempting to model phenomena with multiple complexities, making it a barrier to solve equations with help of analytical mathematics. On the other hand computational fluid dynamics – CFD modeling is now used extensively to predict and simulate detailed three dimensional behaviors of complex and multi-component flows for a wide plethora of industrial application. This it seems has worked out be a befitting solution to the challenges of analytical modelling.

With its inception in the late 1960s, CFD made its impact wide felt only in the early years of 1980s, first in the aerospace industry and then adopted by the automotive industry. The capabilities of CFD to use differential equations for analyzing fluid flows such as heat transfer, chemical reactions,…

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