Copy Monitor Grids

As an Architect when I start a project I will often draw in proposed structural grid. Then when I get a structural engineer involved I give them control of the structural grid so that they can design the structural system correctly. When I get the structural model I will then link their model into mine then I will copy monitor their grids. The reason why I copy monitor their grid is so that I can control how the grids are displayed in my model.

Usually before I copy monitor the structural grid I will delete my initial proposed grid. My reason for deleting my grid is so that I do not have multiple grids in the same place, but today I learned something about copy monitoring grids from linked models. If your existing grid is named the same as that as the linked model’s grid when you copy monitor the linked models grid it will not make another grid instead it will move the existing grid to the same location as the linked models grid.

We have been able to do this for a very long time, I…
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