Detailing in Revit | parametricmonkey

Within Revit, there are essentially two forms of detailing:

  • ‘Hybrid’ detailing which is drawing additional information over the detail view, so the detail produced is a combination of 2D information and the 3D model behind; and
  • ‘Complete over-Detailing’ which is where the 3D model is used to trace over in 2D; with the 3D model turned off on completion of the detail.

Although it is possible to model everything in the design, this should be avoided, as it will lead to large file sizes and model degradation. You need to be smart about what to model in 3D and what to detail in 2D. In general, it is recommended that you model to a point, then head to the details to document the rest. Here is a brief introduction into some of the tools at your disposal to achieve that.


You can add a callout to a plan, section, detail, or elevation view. In these views, the callout tag is linked to the callout view. The callout view shows an enlarged version of part of the parent view,…

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