Happy Birthday Autodesk


Autodesk is 35 years old today. The company was incorporated on January 30, 1982. In honor of the day, we’re supposed to wear our oldest Autodesk shirt.


  • My HEIDI (HOOPS Extensible Immediate Drawing Interface) is the oldest, but few employees know about the graphics system that was the basis for the original release of 3D Studio Max and the AutoCAD R13 ADI driver that was shipped as part of correction release 3.

  • The WHIP! Netscape Navigator Plug-in wasn’t until later in 1995. If you want to read a funny story, check out Birth of DWF: “I can have Carol call you.”

  • The AutoCAD R14 shirt would bring back a bunch of pleasant memories. Decisions? Decisions?

I went with the AutoCAD R14 shirt.


AutoCAD R13 was not Autodesk’s finest hour. The release was slow, required too much memory, buggy, and late. To ensure that history did not repeat itself, AutoCAD R14 was developed with a tightly controlled process. Tribunals and reviews were held to ensure quality…

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