Our VR room is ready!

Today is a good day. After long months of preparation, the VR room at Autodesk Neuchatel is up and running! We’re still waiting for a sofa and chair for waiting guests to relax in, but otherwise all is finally ready.

The new VR room at Autodesk Neuchatel

Here’s a quick video I shot to show you around the room.



I spent probably a day and a half this week struggling with why the Vives weren’t working properly. The tracking was fine – I could see the supposedly mirrored views just fine – but the Vive displays themselves were blank. At first I thought I’d made a mistake with the ports I’d plugged the Vives into, but eventually I found the root cause of the problem. With the HTC Vive Business Edition you get a powered extension box. We needed these to be able to have the Vives’ cables coming through the middle of the ceiling. When I’d given the cables and the extension boxes to the electricians to place, I’d apparently plugged the first section of cable the wrong way round.

Now these cables…

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