Bentley Shows Off Roads and Bridges >

The Year in Infrastructure, or YII, is Bentley’s annual showcase of software technology and user projects. It has been held in London the last few years but is moving to Singapore for 2017. Users presented over 50 projects in 18 separate categories, with three projects per category, ranging from Innovation in Buildings to Innovations in Asset Performance. The top project, judged by a panel, received a “Be Inspired” award.

The Year in Infrastructure is not your normal user conference. Only select users—and members of the press—are invited.


Bentley’s Descartes CONNECT Edition helps extractexisting ground surfaces from both point clouds and reality meshes such as those that result from using drones.(Image courtesy of Bentley.)

Bentley’s Descartes CONNECT Edition helps extractexisting ground surfaces from both point clouds and reality meshes such as those that result from using drones.(Image courtesy of Bentley.)

The most talked about topic in 2016 in civil engineering and construction has been drones.

ContextCapture is software that creates 3D meshes from photographs and video. A drone can take a series of photos with a digital camera, and this application stitches them together. Bentley introduced it last year at this conference and continues to talk it up. The technology, along with the workflow to use it, may take a year or two to find itself into many government agencies, but it is getting better and more robust each year.


To take advantage of the data and information that Context Capture can generate, Bentley showcased its new preliminary engineering software ConceptStation. ConceptStation brings…

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