Via Project Soane I have come into contact with a young gentleman called Karam Baki who began using Revit as a teenager. He is an architecture student, based in Jordan, and you can get a feel for the breadth and energy of his enthusiasms at this link.

Karam’s Gallery

I was particularly impressed with his model of Gerrit Reitveld’s Schroder House, a building that has fascinated me for about 50 years now. I did start to model it on 2011, but didn’t get very far.

Karam appears to have captured it in the most exquisite detail. I would love to talk about this topic at length, but that will have to be another day.  Here is Karam’s version

I did write a short piece about the house in 1991 as a History assignment when I was a “mature student” in Joburg, returning to Architecture after a 16 year detour through bricklaying and education. Here is my analysis of the site (hand drawn though I had started to use AutoCAD by then). Mrs Schroder was a young widow, living on the edges of middle class…

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