The Axioms of BIM

BIM can seem complicated at times, but is it really?
Certainly BIM processes and procedures can end up being complicated, just try and and understand some of the standards that are being pushed.

If only there was a way to cut through the guff, to have a simple set of principles that could be applied in any situation where BIM is at issue.

Like in Mathematics. Mathematics is all about logic, but that logic has to be based on something, has to start somewhere. This is where Axioms come in. An Axiom is “a self-evident truth that requires no proof“. Maybe that is a step too far for BIM. But what about a “universally accepted principle or rule“.

Axioms have to be basic otherwise they are hard to apply. Euclid’s first for geometry is “A straight line segment can be drawn joining any two points.“, the second “Any straight line segment can be extended indefinitely in a straight line.

Could we do the same for BIM? Have some “universally accepted principles.


First we need to be…
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