Registration Opens Soon! – RTC News

Have you ever thought “I wish I had someone to talk to who understands what I’m dealing with”? The Design Technology Summit is a great opportunity to collaborate with a room full of design technology leaders just like you… and registration is right around the corner!

We all have similar struggles, architecture and engineering alike. It’s nice to get together with others who are experiencing those same struggles or have experienced them in the past and found a solution. If you’re anything like me, it really helps to know you’re not alone.

If you haven’t attended DTS before, this is a great year to register. We’ve modified the registration process and now anyone can apply to attend. See Robert Manna’s blog post DTS New Year, New Faces, New Changes describing this and other exciting new changes.

DTS is full of high-level conversation that makes gears turn and sparks fly. I can personally say I’ve come away from each summit with multiple ideas on how to…

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