Utilize Product Configurator to Streamline Entrance Canopy Design and Sales Processes

Utilize Product Configurator to Streamline Entrance Canpoy Design

Entrance canopies accentuate the main entrance or any doorway and give a stylish and modern look to residential or commercial buildings. The modular design makes it possible to design and construct any shape and size of canopy depending on the requirements and space availability.

The reality at the manufacturing floor, where these glass or metal canopies are manufactured is actually far different. Manufacturers are often too much occupied in developing models, drawings and sales quotation for each and every custom order that they receive.

The result being inaccurate quote and delays that eventually leads the manufacturer losing some of the contracts from customer. Given the possibility of broad range of customization options for end customers, it is actually painful for canopy manufacturers to streamline the design and ordering processes that can ensure quick, error-free information to both the customer and to the manufacturing teams.

This problem…

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