Why should Steel Detailers Move from 2D CAD to 3D BIM Workflows to Remain Competitive?

2D CAD to 3D BIM Workflows

Globally, the construction sector is under a major evolution phase as large and small enterprises continue to embrace BIM (Building Information Modeling) for efficient workflows. The shift from 2D to 3D workflows for BIM is subsequently putting pressure on steel detailers too, who form an important link in the entire construction value chain. It is important for you as an owner of steel detailing company to realize that increasing usage of BIM and 3D workflows is likely to affect your business soon, if it hasn’t already.

This is precisely because the industry is reshaping not just on utilizing 3D model based technology, but on leveraging the technology to connect project teams and move the data efficiently from one phase to the next. Making a move from 2D workflows to 3D is as such a necessity for steel detailers to ensure tight collaboration between stakeholders involved in the construction project.

Following are some of the important reasons that drive the need for steel…

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