Autodesk Revit Architecture 2008 for Architects & Designers

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2008 for Architects & Designers is a comprehensive textbook that explains the concepts and principles of Autodesk Revit Architecture through practical examples, tutorials, and exercises. This enables users to harness the power of Revit Architecture for their specific use. The author has adopted the project-based approach with learn-by-doing as the theme in this textbook. This approach guides users through the process of creating designs given in this textbook. Real-world building designs and architectural examples are used as projects to enable users to relate them to the real-world designs.

The book also emphasizes on the new features such as Color Schemes, Shape Editing Tools, exporting & importing drawings to 3ds Max and VIZ, Solar Studies and so on. Written with the tutorial point of view and the learn-by-doing theme, the textbook is ideally suited for learning at your convenience and your pace.

Salient Features of the Textbook

  • Consists of 16 chapters that are arranged in a pedagogical sequence
  • Consists of 736 pages, hundreds of illustrations, and a comprehensive coverage of Revit Architecture 2008 concepts and commands
  • Real-world projects and examples focusing on industry experience
  • Step-by-step examples that guide the user through the learning process
  • Includes changes and enhancements specific to Revit Architecture 2008

    Free Teaching and Learning Resources

  • Free online technical support at [email protected]
  • Customizable PowerPoint Presentations of every chapter in the textbook
  • Drawing files used in tutorials, examples, and exercises in the textbook
  • Instructor s Guide with solution to all review questions and exercises provided in the textbook
  • Students Projects

    To access these free teaching resources, please send your contact information to [email protected], mentioning clearly your name, designation, university/college, street address, city, state, zip, and country.

    Cost $19.00

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