BIM Model Safety

Over the last decade or so the construction industry has become more concerned with safety. With good reason, building sites can be dangerous places. 
A building site can be made safer by keeping it clean and orderly. Store rubbish where it is out of the way, remove rubbish in a timely manner; store materials in an orderly fashion; sign post and label so the workforce knows what is going on.   

BIM models are virtual computer simulations of real buildings, so to an extent the process of creating a BIM model mimics that of constructing a real building.

So just like real buildings keeping models clean and ensuring clear labelling leads to models less likely to suffer from accidents.

Mind you the accidents that happen in a model won’t kill you (although the BIM Manager may threaten to), they nevertheless cause unnecessary extra work and stress.

In the good old CAD days it wasn’t as critical, although still pretty frustrating. All we had to worry about was layers and filenames. 

Now in BIM…

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