Happy birthday, Dasher 360! – Through the Interface

One year ago today, on April 20th, 2016, Dasher 360 was born.

Leap, Dasher, leap!

Here’s the email I sent one year ago to Simon – the other developer working on the project – on creation of the Git repo. For the first day of its life, Dasher 360 didn’t even embed the Forge viewer. 🙂

Dasher 360 is born

Things have come a long way over the last 12 months: Dasher 360 now has a significant number of the features originally found in the desktop version of Dasher, plus a few extra besides. Of course there’s always more to do, but it feels as though we’ve reached a certain level of feature maturity. In fact we’re talking about the next development milestones being related to scalability – theoretically allowing more people to use Dasher 360 with their own models – rather than pure features. Which is all very exciting.

The site has been updated in the last few days – with particular attention to touch screen usage (which, to some degree, includes mobile phones and tablets, although further tweaking…

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