Sheet Metal Fabrication With CAD; Closing The Loop To Gain Profitability

Sheet Metal Fabrication with CAD
You’ll see a closed loop manufacturing process, from CAD to printing to materials development. There will be a continuous workflow and everything will be refined.” Steve Immel -BD Manager, Materialise, USA

The intent here is to convey that adhering to certain tried and tested CAD design procedures help big time in attaining profitability of your finished sheet metal products.

In today’s competitive market, sheet metal fabricators’ efforts are in the direction to achieve collaboration between technology, people, processes, and supply chain across levels. Fabricators try to find a close loop between each stage from initial CAD design drafts to all the way through fabrication and back to designs.

‘Closed loop’, like other business jargons, too, have as many interpretation as the speaker and the audience. However, for sheet metal fabricators it is a very holistic concept; especially when designers try to adopt…

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