Teaching Computer Programming to Kindergartners (Part 3)

In previous blog articles, I talked about using Kodable to teach kindergarten students how to computer program — eventually to write JavaScript:

Kodable is coding for kids with measurable student outcomes. The Kodable K-5 standards are a roadmap for developing the whole student through computer science. Their goal is to reach all students and see computer science become part of a complete elementary education.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avXSrvBlcA0]

The first lesson was based on sequence. Programmers need to tell what computers what to do in the correct order. If one of your computer program statements is not in the right order, the computer program will not produce the correct result. The students learn that by placing directional arrows in the right order so that their Fuzzball (fictional character) traverses a path and picks up coins.

The second lesson…

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