AU Vegas Class Voting – How It Works

Each year our goal is to curate the most insightful, exciting, and above all useful program for every AU attendee—including you. That’s why we’re giving you a chance to weigh in on what you want to learn by voting for this year’s AU class proposals. Here’s everything you need to know.

Who can vote?


When can I vote?

As we receive proposals, we’re publishing them anonymously on the voting page so you can go ahead and start browsing now. Voting opens after the CFP closes on May 17. (Don’t worry, you’ll have all day on May 17 to get those last-minute proposals submitted.)  Community voting will end June 16.

How do I vote?

Once voting opens, you’ll have the option to give a thumbs-up to classes that appeal to your learning goals. (There’s no thumbs-down. If a class isn’t for you, don’t vote for it.) Tip: You can search proposals by product, topic, or focus.

How many times can I vote?

You can vote for as many classes as you like, but you can’t vote for…

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