What’s New Revit 2018 for Architects

So it’s that time of year again, here are some quick updates for what is new in Revit 2018 for Architects.


Ability to add parameters and schedule RVT Links and Model Groups

Adding Parameters to RVT Links and Model Groups – Can Add parameters to both. For Model groups I see tons of potential for adding parameters (potentially parameters that would be added to room objects).  As for RVT Links, I’m having trouble thinking of good workflow examples for this, feel free to comment below if you have some good ones, I’d love to hear them.

Scheduling model groups – You no longer have to rely on rooms to create schedules of suites or offices.  But before embarking down this road there are some questions you need to consider. Are your model groups going to be ungrouped at some point? How will that affect all that time you spent adding parameters and data to them?  Which information will be stored in model groups vs rooms? And keep in mind that color schemes use rooms,…

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