5 Stories to Help Your Sheet Metal Fabrication Business Transform to Digital

Sheet Metal Fabrication Business Transform to Digital

Industry 4.0 is all about digitizing manufacturing operations, capitalizing on big data, automating factories and collaborating efficiently with suppliers through 3D design and visualization tools. There are discussions growing all over about how technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Internet of Things (IoT) will take manufacturing sector further to the next level.

But, when we look at the actual scenario, almost 90% of small fabrication units still rely on 2D processes. While 2D is important especially for sheet metal to perform number of operations to give a final 3D shape, the fabrication industry is losing big time in enhancing productivity through 3D and preparing for upcoming technology changes. From keeping the design communication efficient, reducing errors and material scrap to design automation and effective sales, 3D CAD is the way forward to remain competitive.

For a more detailed, holistic understanding on the importance of 3D and how you, as a sheet metal…

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