Data Delivery to Owners – What do they need? – RTC News

Kelli Lubeley of Fortis Construction ( ) will be presenting data from a Contractor’s point of view. The Data Day Committee reached out to Kelli to get her perspective.


What got you first involved in data investigations with BIM + buildings?

I would have to say it was during my first foray into using DB Link with Revit around 2007.

I’ve always been a bit of a numbers nerd, but seeing the model converted into a traditional database that could be analyzed and manipulated opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. I couldn’t wait to dig into new ways to use information I could extract! I’ve managed to present on a few different pet projects of mine involving BIM and data usage over the years.


 What do you personally find about data that is interesting/geeky?

That we can learn so much from the same set of data just by look at it in various ways.


What is the title of your presentation, and why did you pick this topic to…

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