Greg Schleusner of HOK – RTC News

Greg Schleusner, Director of Design Technology Innovation, HOK will be presenting at Data Day 2017, August 2, Toronto Canada on Data Mashing. For some, that may sound like a new food recipe; and for hard core data geeks, data mashing is a core competency.

Data Day reached out to Greg to get a better understanding of his interesting session.


What is the title of the presentation?

AYMABTU – Using Models to set the stage for our machine learning and AI future.


How did you get involved with Data and its implications for the AEC industry?

It is unavoidable if you want to stay in business for the foreseeable future.


You will be showing as part of your presentation a product called FME. Not many people know about the solution. What business problem does the software solve, and what attracted you to FME as a solution?

FME is a Swiss Army Knife and because I’m not a programmer, it was the way for me to get into this world.


What is the one thing attendees will know/learn…

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