Revit Bulleted Text

For a long time Revit has given us the ability to have bulleted text, but since Revit 2017 you have a little more formatting capabilities. First off you can have sub bullets. And you have the capability to change the number that the bullet starts with.

You may ask why you would want to change the number that the bullet starts with. Well lets say you are writing a list of notes to put on a sheet, but you run out of space so you start a new column of notes. If you started the new column of notes the bulleted notes would start with 1 or A again but you really wanted the number to start 20 or M. With Revit 2016 or earlier you couldn’t make this change but with Revit 2017  and latter you can change what number the bullets start with by clicking on the  Increment List Value button

Just be aware if you change the justification of the text from left justification the sub bullet alignment might not be what you want
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