Tailor Make Your AU: Introducing Tailored Experiences

3 days. 700+ classes to choose from. You can’t attend them all. (We tried once. It didn’t work.)

So how do you pick your AU classes? How do you focus your experience at the conference? How do you make the most of your time in Vegas and ensure what you learn and who you meet will help get you where you need to be?

This is the AU dilemma. (It’s a good problem to have, but still, it’s a thing. To quote every comedian ever, it’s like reading the menu at The Cheesecake Factory.) If you’re looking for more guidance and suggestions, check out this year’s Tailored Experiences. Consider them the staff picks at your local bookstore or the chef’s special at your favorite restaurant.

Tailored Experiences are suggested classes, activities, and receptions, even exhibitors, based on key industry trends, cross-industry developments, and more. We’ve even asked members of the AU Advisory Council for their recommendations. Like we said, staff picks!

You’ll find a Tailored…

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