Free IFC Web Server

Free IFC Web Server

I have posted about BIMserver a few times before, including how to setup and run your own IFC web server. It seems that BIMserver and IFCWebserver are actually different but similar things (see this page). There is a publicly accessible instance of IFC Web Server over at this link.

The hosted version seems to be a bit of tech demonstration rather than a full production tool? Here is a link to the GitHub repos as well.

To test it out, you can take these basic steps:

  1. Create a user account and login
  2. Upload an IFC file (I tried a 20mb file which took quite a while)
  3. Wait for processing
  4. View and work with your file

Here is a look at the basic interface:

It offers a few interesting functions, including the ability to browse the data as a tree:


From the website:

IFC WebServer is a data model server and online viewer for Building Information Models (BIM) based on IFC standards.

It aims to simplify sharing and exchanging of information from BIM models using open and standard…

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