#justintime again

This year you have beat all our records. Two weeks ago we were wondering if the whole BILT ANZ would have to be taught by Carl Storms (who submitted 9 abstracts, down from the 23 he submitted for NA this year – I guess if you are coming all the way to Australia you want to make it worthwhile right?). Seventy percent of abstracts received were submitted in the last four days and almost 50 percent of abstracts came in on the final day! At least one person pressed the button right on 11.59 AEST! (which was in fact at 12.59 due to daylight savings)

We all have our own reasons for being last minute. I will admit to being #justintime with my own abstract. Seeing this tendency for #justintime submissions,   the BILT committee have decided to run an entire stream on time management. This will run alongside the very popular Queens Wharf stream and the aforementioned Carl Storms stream! While we are not kidding about a whole stream – if you do know any great speakers in this space – let…

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