Outdoor Thermal Comfort study in the MIT North Court

Check out this study by Christoph Reinhart, Jay Dhariwal via http://web.mit.edu/sustainabledesignlab/projects/NorthCourtStudy/index.html

MIT North Court Study (link to journal article)

For this project we teamed up with SOOFA, an MIT Media Lab spinoff and Internet of Things (IOT) company, to develop and test a novel approach to validate the capability of biometeorological indices to predict the likelihood of urban dwellers to be outside during midday. Over a period of ten months three Wi-Fi scanners were used in a public courtyard in Cambridge, MA, to record outside dwelling patterns. Based on encrypted MacIDs courtyard attendees could be divided into 16,000 regulars and 676,000 visitors. Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) predictions based on a combination of measured microclimatic conditions and mean radiant temperature simulations using ENVI-met were shown to strongly correlate with the number of regulars present during lunchtime with coefficients of determination (R2) of…

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