PlanBEE – NBS Tech Experience

At NBS we are part of the PlanBEE initiative in the North East. This is an intense higher apprenticeship programme, spending four month spells with the industry’s leading companies, getting on and off the job training and earning from day one. It is a fast track to graduation, a professional qualification and a guaranteed job opportunity.

Collaboration from some of the largest AEC companies in the North East

As part of the four month experience at NBS, each student has a month in our BIM content team, our specification content team, our web team and also our tech team. I had the pleasure of putting together our tech programme and also mentoring the first of our PlanBEE students Jodie.

Our first two PlanBEE students

The tech month has four parts – the first three build up the basic skills needed to work on a real life industry problem and try and solve it using technology.

Week 1 – Web skills
With the help of the excellent w3schools website and Microsoft Visual Studio Community…
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