Theater Sneak Peek: Meet the Robots

They’re aware and adaptable, they can evaluate their own work, and they learn on the job. Let us introduce you to a few of the movers and shakers in the workforce of tomorrow: intelligent robots.

Join us on Wednesday, November 15, 2:15 p.m.-3:15 p.m., in the AU Theater for the session, Meet the Robots: Explore the Future of Intelligent Automation featuring 3 automation experts discussing how the robot revolution is changing workflows for companies both large and small.


Johannes Braumann, Founder, Robots in Architecture 

Visual Programming for Industrial Robots

Find out how intuitive software interfaces and cloud-driven technologies like Autodesk Forge are making customized robotic fabrication accessible to smaller companies and individual users—no CAD software or specialized tools required.


Michael Cook, Transformation Director, Kier Utilities

From Driving Diggers to Driving Robots              

Kier Utilities is pioneering the use of drones and robots in…

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