Why I Speak at BILT – Michael Dunn – RTC News

By the end of 2014, I probably held the ignominious privilege of attending the most RTCs without ever having spoken at one. I was there when it all began way back in 2005 with around 80 of us sitting in one room in the Blue Mountains listening to experts, mostly from the Sydney user group, speak about documentation, modelling, massing, etc.; in Revit. I learnt a lot. We also drank the bar dry (a record yet to be bettered in successive conferences?). I kept learning as I attended every Revit Conference held in Australia and New Zealand (plus one in Canada to boot) over the coming years.


The people I went to see speak were all experts in their fields and, for the most part, accomplished speakers as well. Whilst I was reasonably knowledgeable in Revit, I always felt I was a step or two behind these presenters – what could I speak about that these people didn’t already know? In the intervening years, I actually gathered a lot of experience presenting – I took up teaching…

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