Why I speak at BILT – Steve Faust – RTC News

I have had the privilege of speaking at 3 RTC/BILT conferences. First, I want to say thank you to the selection committee and organizers for allowing me back three times! This year after the conference I was asked why I choose to teach at BILT and the answer boils down to two things; what I can give and what I can get.

I teach for what I can give.

I have been around Revit for a long time and was very excited when I first heard about the (then RTC) conference being organized by several of the best known private Revit gurus at the time. From the start this conference has been organized and attended by people who love to learn and love to push the envelope on what is possible. I personally love finding solutions to problems and better ways to do things; it’s like unlocking a little treasure chest.

Speaking at BILT gives me the chance to share this treasure with a group of people that will likely appreciate that treasure and get as much joy out of it as I do. Each time I have…

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