Christmas Letter 2017

December 2017

Dear Family and Friends:

We decided to send this out electronically to save some trees. I know some people make fun of Christmas letters, but I wanted to give you a status report of our family. It’s short and sweet: four pictures and four paragraphs.



The big news for 2017 is that Stephanie and Blake got married. We had a meaningful service followed by a joyous reception. I survived the father-of-the bride toast and only stepped on Stephanie’s toe once during the father-daughter dance. Mid-dance, I told her, “This was like the Olympics — all that practice to do this once, and I suffered the agony of ‘de-feet.'” Actually, no one even noticed. Stephanie and Blake continue to live and work in Chicago where Stephanie still works in PR for Hyatt, and Blake still manages logistics for Constellation Brands who distributes alcoholic beverages.


Note: Before picture = no girl, After picture = with girl. Just sayin’.

Steven is attending Sam Houston State…

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