Virtual Cities to Aid in Managing Increasingly Complex Urban Landscapes >

As our global civilization grows within a world of finite resources, so does its complexity. If we have any hope of tackling the issues that accompany this complexity, including a ballooning population and increasing climate chaos, we will need to deploy new solutions.

These may range from implementing sustainable energy sources and restructuring society along more equitable lines to deploying new methods of understanding and organizing the data associated with our urban environments.

The city of Rennes, France, made into a virtual city through the 3DEXPERIENCity platform. (Image courtesy of Dassault Systèmes.)

The city of Rennes, France, made into a virtual city through the 3DEXPERIENCity platform. (Image courtesy of Dassault Systèmes.) 

As one of the world’s leading software developers, Dassault Systèmes sees its role in this latter strategy. Through the use of its 3DEXPERIENCity platform, the company is able to take the flood of data generated by territories large and small and transform it into a manageable and interactive 3D visualization. The result is something that can be used by various stakeholders, including everyone from city officials to residents.

The latest city to receive the 3DEXPERIENCity will be Rennes, France, the country’s second-fastest growing region. To learn more, spoke to Severine Chapus, cities initiative director at Dassault Systèmes.

From BIM to CIM

Dassault Systèmes has evolved since its inception, from a focus purely on CAD to becoming a product lifecycle management company. In other words, the software developer expanded from…

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