The World Needs More Stuff, Better Stuff, Made in Better Ways


The time to get busy is now. The world needs more stuff, better stuff, that is produced in better ways.

At Autodesk, one of our interest areas is sustainability:

  • By 2050, there will be 10 billion people on the planet. That’s a 30% increase.
  • 75% of these population will be living in cities, many of which have not been built yet.
  • 5B of the population will be in the “global middle class” purchasing more cars, phones, appliances, etc. That’s a 100% increase.
  • Powering the 2050 population will require twice as much energy as we produce today.

The road ahead presents challenges, but our vision is to help everyone imagine, design, and make a better world. Our mission is to automate our customers’ design-and-make processes so they can realize the future of making things that enables them to do more, better, with less negative impact on the world.

Autodesk technology enhances our customers’ productivity so they can produce more things to meet societal needs — more…

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