Presenters’ Invitation for Data Day 2018 – RTC News

What kind of Presentation are we looking for…

The Data Day Committee is often asked what kind of presentations are we looking for. That is a good question, and one that has both a simple and more complex answer.

The other part of the question is “what is the Data Day Committee” looking for?

  1.  The simple answer: A presentation that causes the committee to say “I would pay to listen to that !”, or “That is an interesting new way of looking at the problem !”. The committee is software agnostic, we are data focused.
  2.  The more complex answer: The Committee feels there are two topics that would be of unique interest, because we don’t hear enough about them.
    – Anything to do with Facilities Management, or Owner’s perspective, or Owner-based case study.
    – Also, the Committee would love to have a session on “Driving Data with visual scripting without using Revit”. This is different than the usual “Using Revit and Dynamo to get to Excel and back”.
    – The…

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