NBS National BIM Report 2018

One of the best parts of the job is working with our NBS Research team each year to produce the NBS National BIM Report.
– thenbs.com/knowledge/the-national-bim-report-2018

It’s always fascinating to see the opinions from hundreds of construction professionals on the subject of BIM. It is also really interesting to compare opinions across the data set we have built up over eight years now.

The first thing to say about this year’s report is that the adoption rates are most definitely not showing any signs of slowing down. Whether you look at the ‘self claim’ against the question around BIM adoption, or the usage statistics of the standards associated with BIM, the figures rise each year.

BIM Adoption over the years
Standard usage

When asked about the UK Government strategy and its success. The respondents are very supportive of the strategy, but believe that more now needs to be done to embed BIM Level 2 in industry. Personally speaking, I think this initiative has been a fantastic…
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