The Why’s and What’s of shaping a valuable BILT Europe programme – RTC News

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After 3 ½ days of committee conclave back in February of which the program left us sleep deprived and in high demand for coffee (not joking it was 67!), the BILT EUR committee proudly announces the birth of another iron clad and rock-solid program, intended for you to get the maximum out of an intense 3 full day learning experience!

We aimed to build a program that reflects the vision and mission of BILT as a conference and addresses a broad spectrum of key learning objectives relevant to us as a community to be able to collaborate more efficiently and to increase our productivity.

Looking back at all the valuable submissions that we received for this year’s BILT, we found a number of key points that stand out for our European BILT that we tried to incorporate into the program in the best way possible:

First and foremost, the sheer amount of tools and platforms utilized to produce a working Building Information Model in the realm of European business is…

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