BILT ANZ 2018 Chairman’s Wrap – RTC News

As is normally the case, BILT ANZ 2018 was the culmination of a great deal of effort by many, and as chair of the event, I am both thrilled and proud to write this post, summarising it as I saw it.

I still recall the committee workshop we held on site last November, reviewing abstracts and crafting the event schedule. We knew that after our event in Adelaide in 2017, that Brisbane should be a good event, based on various local or state initiatives pertaining to BIM use within the industry, and because each time we’ve held an event in that region (Gold Coast, 2011 and 2015), we’ve had great numbers. We predicted 500 for Brisbane, and while we will admit we had our doubts in the week or two prior, we were rapt to see a final tally of 503 attendees.

Admittedly I am proud that we set a record attendance, but so we should have. We have invested heavily in diversifying our conference content offerings in order to appeal to a broader industry cross-section, and to build a community…

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