Is BIM De-skilling our Workforce?

I’ve been a part of a number of discussions recently on the “abilities” of our team, the basic skillsets of putting together a drawing package. We (I too am guilty of this) have been so focused on developing BIM skills, the understanding and knowledge development associated with BIM that we have missed the bigger picture.  
Deskilling; the term refers to a person becoming less proficient over time.

As I’ve addressed previously, BIM is just a tool, a process utilizing applications that enables our design abilities to shine. “Tools enable us to amplify our abilities”
Has BIM contributed to the reduction in the knowledge and understanding of how to bring together a drawing package?
Has the focus and development of the digital model (Building Information Model) been a detriment to the need of understanding how we deliver projects?
This is what I have seen lately and has been a key discussion point with my colleagues. My colleagues and I have found a decrease in the ability of our newly…

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