William Carney of BSA Lifestructures – RTC News

William (Bill) Carney, BIM Director at BSA Lifestructures will be presenting at Data Day 2018 on August 8th in St. Louis. We reached out to Bill to get some insight on him and his presentation.


What is the title of your presentation?

Deconstructing Workflows for Room Data

Class Description

Managing room data on large projects can be a challenge. Selecting the appropriate software solution can be an equal challenge with the number of options.

This course should help. I’ll compare and contrast using Excel & Microsoft Word with Dynamo, MS Access with the Revit DB Link addon, dRofus, Clarity, and CTC Project Suite’s room data sheet tool for managing room data to provide attendees the needed information to decide which room data sheet workflows best fits their firm’s needs.

While this presentation focuses on the software for creating room data sheets, the topic is really about management of building data as a whole and how that information can be leveraged to help improve the…

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